About Us

The Dublin Wine School has been set up in as an independent body to promote the education, service and enjoyment of wine. The wine courses have been specifically designed for either the casual drinker or wine enthusiast to learn more about wine.

The proprietor and principal lecturer is Nigel Donnan who was awarded the Wine & Spirit Education Trust Diploma in 1997. From 1998 to 2009 he lectured extensively for The Wine Board which ceased operations in 2009. During that time, Nigel has taught courses from the Foundation (beginners) level, through Intermediate and Advanced Certificate levels and has designed and run a number of Diploma Revision Courses. In 1996, 1997 and 1999, Nigel spent his holidays working in both vineyards and wineries in France. He has travelled extensively in pursuit of wine knowledge in Europe, South America and even Asia.

Nigel has been collecting top quality wines for the last 16 years or so and has made his wine collection available to the school. Many of the top producers in regions such as Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne, the Rhone and Loire Valleys, Piedmont, Tuscany, Rioja, Ribero del Duero and California will be provided direct from his cellar.

Nigel is keenly aware that in order to recognise greatness in wine, you have to taste great wines. Reading or being told about them isn’t quite the same.

The school is not affiliated to any retailer or importer so we can give you a more independent overview of the wines available here in Ireland and abroad.